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gen. can the leopard change his spots; what is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh; the leopard cannot change his spots; leopard not changing his spots (NumiTorum)
idiom. bone will not go out of the flesh
inf. she is hopeless
lat. mutare maculas pardi non potes (VLZ_58)
polit. only the grave will straighten out a hunchback (bigmaxus); the leopard can't change his spot (bigmaxus)
proverb what is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh (дословно: Что в костях, то и во плоти); can the leopard change his spots? you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (one cannot correct someone else's bad habits or stupid convictions, a bad man will die a bad man); what is bred in the bone will not come out of the flesh; the wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature; the wolf may change his coat, but not his disposition; the thief is sorry he is to be hanged, but not that he is a thief; he who is born a fool is never cured (contrast: true blue will never stain); only the grave can straighten the hunchback; he who is born a fool is never cured (дословно: Дураком рождённый-от дурости не излечится); the leopard cannot change its spots (дословно: Леопард не может перекраситься (т.е. не может изменить свою натуру)); a leopard cannot change its spots; once a wolf always a wolf; Only the grave will redeem a knave (Logofreak); nature will have its course; what is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh; you cannot wash charcoal white (дословно: Уголь добела не отмоешь); can the leopard change his spots?; though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return; a leopard can't change his spots (Don Quixote)
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proverb can the leopard change his spots?
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idiom. A leopard cannot change its spots (org.uk Madlark)
proverb A leopard can't change its spots (Dmitrie); he who born a fool is never cured (AmaliaRoot)
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: 9 phrases in 2 subjects