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голубцы nstresses
gen. stuffed cabbage
cook. cabbage rolls (skate); stuffed cabbage leaves; golubtsy (Taras); golubtsi (This recipe for Russian stuffed cabbage or golubtsi (also golubtsy) is made with millet instead of rice or buckwheat groats, as are seen in other stuffed cabbage dishes. It includes carrots and salt pork Taras)
голубец n
gen. blue; stuffed cabbage leaf (Alexander Demidov); stuffed cabbage
Gruzovik mountain blue
construct. ornament rafter end
dial. wooden monument (erected on a grave)
Gruzovik, bot. paxillus (Paxillus)
Gruzovik, cook. stuffed cabbage
Gruzovik, dial. dovecote-shaped wooden monument erected on a grave
Gruzovik, obs. golubets
inf. gay man (Tanya Gesse)
mineral. azurite (светло-голубая медная краска, водная углекислая медь, часто используемая при написании икон)
relig. blueness
Голубцы n
cook. galumpkis (zupahero)
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Food industry1