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голосование по принципу "одна акция – один голос"stresses
busin. statutory voting (US; SYN: straight voting Sukhopleschenko)
law poll (UK: в отличие от "show of hands" – голосование по принципу "один участник – один голос". (A procedure used at a general meeting of a company under which every ordinary shareholder present in person or by proxy has one vote for every ordinary share held. This procedure is commonly used where it is not possible to obtain a clear result by voting on a show of hands. It is common for the articles of association to specify who has the right to demand a poll.): he mandatory poll-voting rule, which took effect on 1 January 2009, requires listed companies to count votes cast on resolutions at any general shareholders’ meeting, based on the principle of “One Share, One Vote”. However, with effect from 1 April 2012, on resolutions that relate purely to procedural or administrative matters, the chairman may allow a vote by a show of hands. hk-lawyer.org MGrun)
голосование по принципу "одна акция – один голос"
busin. statutory voting (US; SYN: straight voting Sukhopleschenko)
голосование по принципу "одна акция – один голос
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Corporate governance1