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говорите громче
 говори громче
idiom. give it mouth
 говори громче!
gen. speak up!
slang increase the volume
 говорите громче
gen. speak up
 говорите громче!
gen. speak up!; please speak out!
| мне
math. for me
| вас не слышно
 вас не слышно
avia. Reply missing

to phrases
говорить громчеstresses
gen. outspeak; outtongue (кого-либо); outtell (кого-либо); speak up (a request for the other person to speak louder: Could you speak up a little, please? I'm having difficulty hearing you. • Sorry, you're very faint, could you speak up a bit? 4uzhoj); talk up (more clearly; тж. см. speak up Taras)
говорите громче!
gen. speak up!; please speak out!
говори громче!
gen. speak up!
slang increase the volume
говорите громче
gen. speak up (so I can hear you, что́бы мне вас бы́ло слы́шно)
говори громче
idiom. give it mouth (говорите "Oh! Don't cut my throat, sir," I pleaded in terror. "Pray don't do it, sir."Tell us your name!" said the man. "Quick!"Pip, sir."Once more," said the man, staring at me. "Give it mouth!"Pip. Pip, sir."Show us where you live," said the man. "Point out the place!" Great Expectations by Ch. Dickens VLZ_58)
говорите громче: 16 phrases in 4 subjects