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adjective | verb | to phrases
гнетущий adj.stresses
gen. dismal; depressing; sulky; sullen; leadening; depressive; sulky (о погоде и т.п.); grinding (Notburga); deadening (4uzhoj); grievous; dire; cheerless; oppressive; bleak (Aly19); doomy (She`s always doomy. ldoceonline.com RusakovaOlga); uncomfortable (Abysslooker); disturbing (Abysslooker); pressing (sea holly); boisterous; unsatisfying (I can see how that might be unsatisfying Побеdа)
bank. onerous (Alik-angel)
context. stricken (He and Lily were both in the kitchen at the time, clearing plates from another silent, stricken dinner. Abysslooker)
fig. overwhelming (AlexandraM)
med. distressing (amatsyuk)
poetic carking
гнести v
gen. grip; gripe; screw; weigh on
Gruzovik oppress; press; weigh down
fig. bite (приводить в уныние alexs2011)
obs. grype; prease
uncom. brood (... the desolation that broods in bosoms like these. ... страдание, гнетущее эти сердца. Игорь Глазырин)
гнетуще adj.
gen. blackly
Gruzovik depressingly; oppressively
гнетён prtc.
chem. biston
гнетущe adj.
slang bring-down (The news of the airplane crash was a bring down. Сomandor)
 Russian thesaurus
гнетя v
gen. деепр. от гнести
: 45 phrases in 5 subjects