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глоток спиртногоstresses
gen. dram; short; short snorter; sneezer; snorter; slug; a drop of the hard stuff; tiff; single shot of alcohol; shot; jigger; whet
Gruzovik shot of alcohol
amer., inf., slang eye-opener (чтобы опохмелиться)
inf. bracer; snort; stiffener
slang snifter; caulker; lap; calker; flash (Interex); belt (Three more quick belts and he was ready to sit down and talk.Ещё три быстрых глотка спиртного и он готов прступить к беседе. Interex)
winemak. a gulpable dose
глоток спиртного
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects