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геолого-технологические исследованияstresses
dril. geological and engineering survey (MichaelBurov); geotechnical survey (MichaelBurov); logging while drilling (igisheva); measurement while drilling (igisheva)
O&G logging (The systematic recording of data obtained from the driller's log and mud log at the surface, and electrical and radioactive logs obtained from instrumentation lowered into and retrieved from the drill hole after drilling. Bab GofPI – АД); surface logging (Spar23roW)
Геолого-технологические исследования
O&G mud logging (Ulkina)
 Russian thesaurus
геолого-технологические исследования
dril. ГТИ (MichaelBurov)
геолого-технологические исследования
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas3
Oil and gas technology1