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гашёная известь
 гашёная известь
gen. burnt lime; slack lime
construct. dry hydrated lime; milk of lime; calcium hydroxide; limoid; white lime
forestr. dead lime
tech. calcium hydroxide
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gen. for
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 кладочные работы
construct. masonry work

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гашёная известьstresses
gen. burnt lime; slack lime; hydrate of lime; slaked lime (Гидрокси́д ка́льция (гашёная известь, едкая известь) – химическое вещество с формулой Ca(OH)2, сильное основание. wikipedia.org); caustic lime ('More); builders' lime ('More); cal (редк., встречается в Amazon (см. пример):: Cal (slaked lime) or, calcium hydroxide is used to processing corn for use in tortillas, tamales and pozole. We only sell food-grade calcium hydroxide. The Aztecs discovered that by soaking their dried corn in wood ash, the corn became easier to grind and also more digestible, thus, more nutritious. The same process is used today to "slake corn". This processed corn is called Nixtamal. It is later ground into fine or coarse meal for tortillas or tamales or used whole for making Posole. 'More); pickling lime ('More); slacked lime
construct. dry hydrated lime; milk of lime; calcium hydroxide (пушонка); limoid; white lime
ecol. killed lime; wet lime
energ.ind. calcium hydroxide
forestr. dead lime; caustic lime; lime paste
leath. lime hydroxide; common lime; slak lime; slaked lime
met. calcium hydrate; lime hydrate
oil hydrated lime (замедлитель схватывания цемента); slaked lime (замедлитель схватывания цемента)
oil, tradem. Imco Kenox
railw. drowned lime; hydrated lime
tech. calcium hydroxide
therm.eng. slake lime; water lime
tradem. Lima
гашеная известь
nat.res. hydrated lime; slaked lime
гашёная известь для кладочных работ
: 22 phrases in 12 subjects
Mechanic engineering1
Silicate industry3
Textile industry2