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в связи с отсутствием
 в связи с отсутствием
gen. due to lack of
formal amer. absent
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 другие вопросы
product. other issues; other matters; other items
 другой вопрос
gen. different matter; horse of a different color; horse of a different colour
idiom. different pair of shoes

to phrases
в связи с отсутствиемstresses
gen. due to lack of (встреч.в русском тексте) This letter is used to dismiss an employee due to lack of capability. OLGA P.)
formal, amer. absent (Absent a detailed plan, the project was doomed from the start. CALD Alexander Demidov)
offic. through want of (Alexander Matytsin)
в связи с отсутствием: 13 phrases in 9 subjects
Business style2
Corporate governance1
Criminal law2
Foreign policy1
Name of organization1
Procedural law1