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в самом делеstresses
gen. do (+ verb; для выражения усилительного значения: If underwater civilizations do exist, all they need fear from mankind is that we will pollute them out of existence. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- в самом деле существуют / действительно существуют ART Vancouver); ywis; quotha; really; quite; indeed; seriously (Deska); in sooth; in very deed; in good sooth; in troth; really and truly; I say! (linton); so (указывает на подтверждение предшествующего высказывания); it is true that (Stas-Soleil); it stands to reason (said when something is obvious or clear from the facts: " If 20 percent of the Earth's population has 80 percent of its resources, then it stands to reason that 80 percent of the population has only 20 percent of the resources. CALD. it stands to reason (that) phrase used for saying that something is obvious because it is what most sensible people would expect If they don't like you, it stands to reason they won't give you the job. MED Alexander Demidov); I admit that (promo); indeed (выражает интерес, удивление, сомнение, иронию); in deed; allright (обыкн. с вопросительной интонацией Vadim Rouminsky)
Игорь Миг no kidding?
amer., slang on the dead
dipl. in point of fact
idiom. on earth (обыкн. вопр. "what ..." Vadim Rouminsky); in the world (обыкн. вопр. "what ..." Vadim Rouminsky); what on earth (обыкн. вопр. – What on earth are you talking about? Vadim Rouminsky); what in the world (обыкн. вопр. – What on earth are you talking about? Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. just (в качестве усиления); all right ("Son, I could use a five dollar bill so rough Abe Lincoln's whiskers would be all lathered up with sweat." I gave him one. I looked at it before I passed it over. It was Lincoln on the five, all right. (Raymond Chandler) – на пятёрке и в самом деле был изображён Линкольн ART Vancouver)
ironic. forsooth
Makarov. in substance; of a verity
math. genuinely; truly; actually; as a matter of fact; in fact; in truth; real
neol. no shit (vatnik)
obs. iwis (mazurov)
в самом деле?
gen. oh, do you?; is that right? (vatnik); is it even so?; do you say so?; would he though?
abbr. RLY (от really Vadim Rouminsky)
inet. O'RLY? (oh, really? Adrax)
Makarov. indeed (выражает интерес, удивление, сомнение, иронию и т.п.)
slang ORLY (от "oh really?" Peri)
в самом деле!
gen. quotha
idiom. I mean it! (Andrey Truhachev)
в самом деле
: 81 phrases in 15 subjects
Cliche / convention3
Mass media2
Quotes and aphorisms1