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в порядке вещейstresses
gen. it's just part of the routine (VLZ_58); as a matter of course (Notburga); par for the course (papertigra); normal (Tanya Gesse); just the way things are (N1312); common practice (a culture where sharing concerns, asking questions and bringing solutions is a common practice SirReal); the order of the day (Ant493); all in a day's work (Anglophile); all in the day's work; as a matter of thumb (scherfas); routinely (Black Orchid)
Gruzovik in the nature of things
idiom. a routine part of (sankozh)
inf. not out of whack (It's not out of whack for him to come in and ask for a beer VLZ_58)
news, fr. de rigueur (заимствование из французского языка, часто встречающееся в английском: North America correspondent Jane Cowan is in New York where at the moment motorcades and bodyguards are very much de rigueur. Victorinox77)
в порядке вещей
: 22 phrases in 6 subjects