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в полном составеstresses
gen. full (The full US Congress is likely to vote on his request next week. 4uzhoj); in body (тж. in a body; if people do something in a body, they do it together as a group, in an official way:: The cleaning staff went in a body to the manager to complain Taras); in full strength (Taras); in a body; at full strength; in full muster; in bane (о суде); complete (linton); with a full complement (тж. full complement Taras); as a whole (It is proposed that all items be dealt with by the subsidiary body as a whole in plenary – Все пункты предлагается рассмотреть вспомогательному органу в полном составе на пленарном заседании Taras); in full (тж. full: full jury; full board etc. Taras); all together (Taras); as a unit (Taras); collectively (Taras); one and all (Taras); entirely (Taras); in a mass (Taras); in sum (Taras); in toto (Taras); with its full complement (Taras); full-on (I mean, I would have to bring in a full-on construction crew for this place.); in a group
amer. en masse (the board of directors resigned en masse Val_Ships)
energ.ind. in a body (напр., о комиссии)
formal en bloc (all together in a united group: The ruling committee resigned en bloc to make way for a new election Taras)
hockey. full strength (играть (о команде); напр.: играть в полном составе – to play at full strength Leonid Dzhepko)
lat. in pleno
law en banc (En banc, in banc, in banco or in bank is a French term (meaning "on a bench") used to refer to the hearing of a legal case where all judges of a court will hear the case (an entire "bench"), rather than a panel of them. wiki Alexander Demidov); in banc (о суде); in bank; in bane (о суде Право международной торговли On-Line)
law, court in full court (в суде Taras); with a full bench (The court sits with a full bench of five – Суд заседает в полном составе пяти членов Taras)
law, lat. in banco (о суде)
Makarov. in full force
mil. intact
mus. grand (об оркестре)
patents., lat. in corpore
relig. in pleno (Latin for "in full")
в полном составе
: 78 phrases in 18 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Horse racing1
Ice hockey3
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Mass media3
Notarial practice1