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в наше времяstresses
gen. nowadays (at the present time, in contrast with the past Val_Ships); you never know these days (ирон. TaylorZodi); in our generation; in these latter days; at the present day; in our time (Alexander Demidov); in this day and age (AMlingua); in current times (User); in more recent times (4uzhoj); in our own time (Alex_Odeychuk); today
cliche. at this point (I think everyone understands at this point that the use of pesticides on lawns is an environmentally unsound practice. -- По-моему, в наше время все понимают, что ... ART Vancouver); in these modern days (In these modern days, a woman can't stay home any more as the cost of living can no longer be handled by the husband alone. ART Vancouver); in the modern era (при противопоставлении: "In ancient folklore, there were descriptions of supernatural "water horses" on land near the Loch. In the modern era, these type of reports of 'Nessie' began in 1933, when on a hot summer's day in July, a witness said he saw what looked like a "prehistoric creature" crossing the road in front of him." C2C AM ART Vancouver); these days ('Caught snooping in the wrong scrapyard so crushed and melted?' 'It's possible, I guess... These days life is much cheaper than it was in years past. For their family's sake, I hope they're found, one way or another.' -- В наше время жизнь ценится дешевле, чем раньше. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
pomp. ours is a time in which (A.Rezvov)
в наше время: 28 phrases in 5 subjects
Drug-related slang1