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в любом случаеstresses
так или иначе; как бы там ни было; обязательно; все равно; что бы ни случилось; не сомневайтесь
gen. one way or the other; however (zhvir); be that as it may (financial-engineer); always (Notburga); anyways (bookworm); whatever (We told our coach we would win the match whatever. TarasZ); one way or another (так или иначе); at all accounts; either way (Some sharks need to keep moving to do this, while others don't. Either way, sharks, like other marine animals, don't seem to fall in a deep sleep like we do. Баян); come what may (что бы ни случилось Liv Bliss); at all events (В.И.Макаров); any way; some way or other (так или иначе); whether or no; to all intents and purposes; in any circumstance (Alex_Odeychuk); no matter what (spy); in every instance (Uncrowned king); at any time (zhvir); in any case (Bricker); in any events; in all cases (Stas-Soleil); at any rate; at all rates (В.И.Макаров); whatever the case (как вводная фраза (в знач. "как бы там ни было", "так или иначе") 4uzhoj); in any way (financial-engineer); to all effects and purposes (leahengzell); in all events (Anfil); in all circumstances (bookworm); all the same (в знач. "все равно": That won't be necessary, but thank you all the same. • "I heard your team won last night–congrats!" "It's no big deal, we were against a pretty weak team. But thank you all the same!" 4uzhoj); in any scenario (Alex_Odeychuk); anyhow; still (amatsyuk); invariably (Antonio); anyway (immortalms); regardless (spy); in either case
adv. in any event
context. innately (ВосьМой)
fig. come rain or shine (что бы ни случилось Dum_spiro - spero)
idiom. any way one slices it (Interex)
inf. fasho (fast-forward); all the way (ср. "anyway", "in any way" и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky); no matter how you slice it (US, informal. used to say that the truth of a statement is not changed or affected by the way a situation is thought about or described. Losing is disappointing no matter how you slice it. (Merriam-Webster): Whether the snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow turns out to be a boom or a bust -- it’s going to be bad on the roads no matter how you slice it. As we learned the other day, it doesn’t matter if it’s a dusting or 15cm. Good luck! ART Vancouver)
law under all circumstances (akimboesenko)
math. in either case (из двух); in either case (из двух)
progr. whatever choices are made (ssn)
slang any road (синоним слова anyway, используемый на севере Англии Beforeyouaccuseme)
в любом случае
: 42 phrases in 17 subjects
Mass media3
Road traffic1