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gen. ultimately (The Bolsheviks ultimately became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.); finally; when all is said and done; on balance; in the end; in the final analysis; in the final reckoning; in the issue; in the last analysis; in the final count; on the whole; at the end of the day (Lavrov); in the issuance; at long last (Anglophile); in fine (лат. (These core production quality controls are necessary to ensure, in fine, the casting quality.) I. Havkin); at the last (См. пример в статье "в конце концов". I. Havkin); when everything is said and done; all in all; by and by (Andrey Truhachev); when all's said and done (Abysslooker); eventually
Игорь Миг in all but name
amer. in the final equation (Taras)
dat.proc. eventual (Alex_Odeychuk)
econ. in the long run
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. when everything is said and done
hist. in the last resort (контекстуально Шандор)
idiom. between the jigs and the reels (Interex); come down to (Interex)
Makarov. after all; down the line; on a balance; upon a balance; upon balance; after all's said and done
math. as the final result; as a final result; the maser may eventually prove to be the best coherent detector
math., lat. ultima analysi
mining. in the event
offic. for the long run (Soulbringer)
oil in the final accounting
rhetor. in the net (Alex_Odeychuk)
seism. ultimately
в конечном счёте,..
gen. the net result is that… (Aiduza); the net result is that ...
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: 45 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Data processing2
Mass media1