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в какой-то моментstresses
gen. some time; at some point (Aly19); at which point (Tony19); at one point (UniversalLove); at a certain point (cognachennessy); for a period (Sandplay); at one time (At one time he threatened to abandon the expedition if I remained insistent. Abysslooker)
cliche. at one stage (I confess that at one stage I just gave up. Frankly, I wanted to die. Then I heard my baby's voice and I thought, "I can't do this. I need to live." ART Vancouver); at one time or another (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another. ART Vancouver); at one point (At one point I remember just sort of saying to myself, I have to stop taking drugs but I need support. ART Vancouver)
fig. somewhere along the way (Ремедиос_П)
inf. somewhere along the line (joyand)
math. at some time
в какой-то момент
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects