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gen. drastically (Post Scriptum); an adequate degree (Gaist); considerably (bookworm); largely (The huge gap between rich and poor "largely negates the economic and social achievements of recent years," the HSE report said. Alexander Demidov); a great extent; in no small degree (82,200 Alexander Demidov); to a great degree (bookworm); in a great large measure; to a considerable degree; in large measure (Александр Рыжов); to a significant degree (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov); in a substantial way (Азери); by a long shot; to a significant extent (Stas-Soleil); a fair extent (doc090); pretty much; in no small part (to a great degree, largely or mostly: The team's success is due in no small part to the hard work of its players. MWALD Alexander Demidov); in no small measure (454,000 Alexander Demidov); up to the hub (вовлечённый в какую-либо деятельность); half; far (наречие ssn); widely (ssn); extensively (Artjaazz); to a large extent (joyand)
Игорь Миг greatly; dramatically; by a wide margin; massively; sizeably; immeasurably
book. well (igisheva)
busin. vastly; wide extent; to a wide extent
construct. a considerable degree; a large measure
context. essentially (4uzhoj)
el. by half
inf. pretty; up to the hub (вовлечённый в какую-либо деятельность; syn: as far as possible Taras); pretty much (joyand)
Makarov. notedly; in a large measure; in large part; very; in a great measure; degree; substantially
math. a large extend; significantly
med. quite a bit (amatsyuk)
mil. to a considerable extent
obs. to a degree
patents. a large degree
progr. rather (ssn)
rhetor. by a huge factor
scient. to a large extent
slang in a big way
в очень значительной степени
Игорь Миг monumentally
в значительной степени
: 65 phrases in 18 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Clinical trial1
Figure of speech1
Foreign policy1
Mass media2
Measuring instruments1