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в два счетаstresses
gen. at the drop of a hat; at the drop of the hat; before one can say Jack Robinson; before one can say knife; before one could say Jack Robinson; before one could say knife; before you can say Jack Robinson; before you can say knife; before you could say Jack Robinson; before you could say knife; before you know where you are; in a flash; in a jiffy; in jig time; in less than no time; in no time; in the twinkling of an eye
context. in a heart beat (быстро справиться с кем-л или чем либо: Being a professional assassin, she could disarm her overseer and kill two guards nearby in a heart beat Zamatewski)
в два счёта
gen. twice over (marastork); double-quick; like a shot; before you could say jabber Robinson; in twos; before one can say Jack Robinson; before one could say Jack Robinson; easy as pie; in a crack; in double-quick time; in less than no time; in double-time (when the company tried to get involved in the Slavneft privatization auction, they were shooed away from the table in double-time Olga Okuneva); in two shakes of a lamb's tail (Bullfinch); like a breeze (lavazza); double quick; in no time; in a breeze (Bullfinch); at one stroke; at a stroke; between one breath and another (Technical); next to no time; in a snap (Liv Bliss)
Игорь Миг in a nanosecond; in a flash; at a moment's notice
amer., Makarov. in less than a pig's whistle
cliche. in a tick (igisheva); in two ticks (igisheva)
Gruzovik, inf. in no time
inf. sooner than you think (dkozyr); in two twos; at the drop of a hat (VLZ_58); in a snap (i say); in a heartbeat (And they'd have to hang around all day outside the Federal Building, just waiting. We'd have picked them up in a heartbeat. 4uzhoj); like nobody's business (very fast or easy: You name the game and I'll beat you like nobody's business. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. before one can say Jack Robinson; before one could say Jack Robinson; before you know where you are; in less than a pig's whisper
proverb in the twinkling of an eye (usu. with p. v.); in a jiffy (usu. with p. v.)
slang in a jiffy; jig time; jigg in; at the drop of a hat; in jig time; jig; zig; lickety split (Баян)
в два счёта
: 45 phrases in 11 subjects
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