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gen. pack up; go out; break the ranks; go unserviceable; go duff (Anglophile); go into action; breakdown; get out of commis-sion; fritz out (о технике Taras); grow dead
Gruzovik malfunction; go out of action; break down
auto. get out of order
automat. come off-line; go down
avia. go duff (MichaelBurov)
busin. collapse
comp. fry
comp., net. outage
el. fail-out; blow; crash; fail
electr.eng. be destroyed (gorbulenko)
idiom. go south (Oleg Sollogub)
inf. be off; go dead
Makarov. become disable; go out of service; we are off now; go haywire; go out of gear; go out of order; break the ranks (напр., солдат)
Makarov., inf. pack up (о механизме)
math. fail to operate; become disabled; fail
mil. fall out; quit the ranks; break ranks; drop out of the line; go out of commission; go out of operation; be out of commission (о корабле); go unserviceable (о механизме)
mil., lingo go dis (напр., о рации MichaelBurov); go disabled (напр., о рации MichaelBurov)
nautic. break down (о механизме)
navig. become inoperative
O&G be out of service; fail to function; break down (об оборудовании)
oil break (об оборудовании); crater (об оборудовании на нефтепромысле); come out of action; get out of commission
proverb be disabled; be put out of action; become unserviceable
qual.cont. break down (о машине)
railw. come off; coming-off
tech. conk (о двигателе); fail; be down (Vanda Voytkevych)
torped. go unserviceable (ломаться); become unserviceable (ломаться); fail (ломаться); go out of service (ломаться); become disable (ломаться); be disabled (ломаться); yaw out of line (боевого порядка)
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telecom. goes down (oleg.vigodsky)
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: 18 phrases in 7 subjects
Military aviation1
Oil / petroleum7