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вытрезвитель nstresses
gen. drying-out station; sobering up room (at police station etc. ABelonogov); cooler (Anglophile); drying-out cell (Anglophile); sobering station (Anglophile); sobering rooms (Anglophile); lockup (Anglophile); drying-out-station; sobering-up station (in USSR); detox center (4uzhoj); sobering house (4uzhoj); detoxification center (george serebryakov)
Gruzovik, police sobering-up station in USSR
law detoxification centre; sobering-up centre (On the same day, at 12.20 p.m., the applicant was taken by police officers to the Kraków sobering-up centre. Kirill2)
Makarov. treatment center for alcoholics
med. sobering-up station
police sobering-uр station (a medical facility in which intoxicated people can spend one night to become sober under medical control, in the Czech Republic, Russia and Poland. Those in need of more long-term treatment will be referred to a rehabilitation center. Alex Lilo)
slang drunk tank (a place where people are put by the police because they are drunk • He spent the night in the drunk tank. • The police left the teenagers in the drunk tank. OALD. They also appear to fix a hole in the country’s social safety net created when Russia’s last drunk tanks were closed in October as part of wide-ranging police reform. TMT Alexander Demidov); saskatoon (AlexanderGerasimov)
вытрезвитель n
gen. sobering-up cell (Рина Грант)
police sobering center (в речи полицейских Tulsa Oklahoma Farrukh2012)
soviet. cell for drunken arrests (перевод Би-Би-Си с русского языка – 3-й эпизод документального сериала "Russia 1985-1999 TraumaZone" 2022 года, 22-я минута: Cell for drunken arrests. Moscow Central Police Station Aiduza)
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