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gen. butt; hang out; lean out; loll out; peep out; protrude
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gen. chief

verb | verb | to phrases
высовываться vstresses
gen. butt; hang out (из окна); loll out (о языке); peep out; protrude; stick out; loll; stick one's neck out (bookworm); peek (q3mi4); stick one's chin out (Anglophile); lean out of (to lean out of a window – высовываться из окна Franka_LV); obtrude; butt out (В.И.Макаров); thrust out; poke; put out; poke out one's head (VLZ_58); show initiative (Такой человек привык быть, как все, не высовываться.; источник – goo.gl dimock); peek out (george serebryakov); crane out (из окна: I crane out of window : yes, trunk with the red star all right, parchment label fluttering prettily in the wind... (Charles Dickens) dkuzmin); go out; outstand; overhang; jut out; look out
Gruzovik lean out (impf of высунуться); thrust oneself forward (impf of высунуться); show oneself (impf of высунуться)
fig. stick someone's neck out (Enrica)
Gruzovik, fig. interfere in (impf of высунуться); get involved in (impf of высунуться)
idiom. stick his neck out (baiburin); put stick, raise, lift one's head above the parapet (Tiny Tony)
Makarov. hang out; lean out; loll out (о языке и т. п.); peek from; peek out; peek through; poke out; show oneself (показываться); stick one's head out
obs. lill
vulg. stick out like the balls on a bulldog
высовывать v
gen. advance; overhang; obtrude; protrude; flick out; peep out; thrust out; hang out; stick out (ся); lance (язык); poke; stick out; put out (рожки – об улитке); shoot out (ростки); stick up (Many soldiers stuck their heads up from the trenches Hirsemann); loll (обыкн. loll out)
inf. stick
Makarov. loll out; flick out (напр., язык); poke out; shoot out; put out
obs. lill (язык)
: 56 phrases in 12 subjects
Equestrian sports1
Humorous / Jocular1
Proper and figurative1
Public relations1