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gen. advance; toady; make rank; obtain; qualify for
amer. inf. buckjump
inf. back-scratch; curry favour; ingratiate oneself; toady
| пенсию
gen. pension

verb | verb | to phrases
выслуживаться vstresses
gen. advance; toady; make rank (felog); serve (out a certain period); lackey (Andrey Truhachev); kiss up to (перед кем-либо: I wish I could personally bitch slap everyone who continues to twist the facts of his horrific death in order to kiss up to the Russian president and his lackeys. 4uzhoj); curry favor (with перед, with)
Gruzovik obtain (as result of service); qualify for (as result of service); work towards promotion (impf of выслужиться)
Игорь Миг be supine before
amer. buck
amer., inf. buckjump
explan. suck up to (перед кем-либо 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. ingratiate oneself with (impf of выслужиться); curry favor with (impf of выслужиться); toady to (impf of выслужиться)
inf. back-scratch; curry favour; toady (to); get brownie points (Также используются глаголы "earn" и "win". VLZ_58)
Makarov. toady to (перед)
Makarov., inf., amer. to apple-polish (перед кем-либо)
mil. gain files
mil., jarg. crawl
mil., lingo brown-nose (MichaelBurov); lash out (MichaelBurov); pile points (MichaelBurov); rat (MichaelBurov)
slang apple-polish (MichaelBurov); apple-shine (MichaelBurov)
выслуживать v
gen. qualify for; receive (through service); obtain by service; rise; insinuate; obtain
Gruzovik serve out (a certain period); qualify for; obtain (as result of service)
inf. serve (a certain length of time)
выслуживающийся prtc.
mil., inf. file boner
mil., lingo dolly dancer (MichaelBurov); medal hunter (презр. MichaelBurov)
vernac. brownie (MichaelBurov)
выслуживать: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Military lingo3