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gen. spurt into the lead (Anglophile); take the lead (triumfov); shoot ahead; pull away (о соревнованиях, но также и в перен. знач. о выборах и т.п.: Sullivan pulled away in the final lap. • They were neck and neck during early stages of the voting but she slowly pulled away. lulic); shoot ahead of (smb.); get the jump on (sb., sth, по отношению к кому-л., чему-л.); have the jump on (sb., sth., по отношению к кому-л., чему-л.)
Игорь Миг get a head start
chess.term. forge into the lead; open the lead; shoot out to a lead
Makarov. be well away; break forth; forge ahead; run away; shoot ahead (часто о конкуренте)
mil. stick one's neck out (при продвижении)
polit. leave somebody behind (Artjaazz)
sport. gain the lead; build a lead (amavi); come from behind (Andrey Truhachev)
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mil. stick one's neck out (при продвижении)
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: 16 phrases in 4 subjects