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gen. drink; have; tipple; drink off; partake of; outdrink
foil.ships partake
inf. put away; get outside of
| воды
gen. water

to phrases
выпить vstresses
gen. drink; have (Take your time and have some tea. • Let us have champagne, or at the very least, beer.); tipple; drink off (до дна); partake of; outdrink; moisten one's clay; wet one's whistle; have a bottle; have a drink; have a pull at the bottle (спиртного); lift the elbow; swig; drink to (за кого-либо); get a refresh; take a drop; wet whistle; take medicine; whet one's whistle (MichaelBurov); have some vodka (MichaelBurov); have some alcohol (MichaelBurov); get ginny; have a wet; have something to drink (SirReal); take (лекарство, таблетки – принять); imbibe; lower (стакан, бутылку); wet your whistle (MichaelBurov); take a drink (MichaelBurov); quench your thirst (MichaelBurov); hellbender; splice the main brace (после тяжёлой работы an316); splice the mainbrace (после тяжёлой работы an316); swallow medicine; hoist (x741); empty; bend one's elbow; drink to that (за что-л.); have a smell from the barrel; hit the bottle; nibble one; put down
Gruzovik drink up (pf of выпивать)
amer. cut the dust (чего-либо спиртного; разговорное выражение WiseSnake); pregame (по рюмке перед тем как пойти куда-либо; slang; We'll probably pregame over here till 10:30 then go out. Val_Ships); grab a drink (напр., в баре Taras)
foil.ships partake
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. absorb (pf of пить); take in (pf of пить)
humor. wet clay; swallow one's medicine
idiom. dip the bill (Yeldar Azanbayev); have under belt (Gus already had a large brandy under his belt. VLZ_58)
inf. put away; get outside of; refresh; shout out ("за кого-либо" `+1_)
Makarov. see a man about a dog; drink a toast to (за кого-либо/что-либо: The two couples sit together and drink a toast to love. • Champagne corks popped and the guests drank a toast to the happy couple.); drink out (до дна); take a drop of something (чего-либо); take on board; drink up; have a drink (спиртное); partake of (что-либо); take a drink (спиртное); have a drop in one's eye; whet one's whistle (спиртного)
Makarov., amer. cut the dust
Makarov., humor. wet one's clay (спиртного); take medicine (глотнуть спиртного); swallow one's medicine (глотнуть спиртного)
Makarov., inf. bend the elbow
slang take in wood; crook the elbow
vernac. take a horn (вина)
выпил v
gen. cut (от глагола "выпиливать" Yanick); opening for built-in equipment (от глагола "выпиливать" Yanick); opening for white goods (от глагола "выпиливать" Yanick)
amer. knocked back a few (Maggie)
выпивши v
gen. in the ale
Игорь Миг boozy
выпьем! v
amer. hatches!; down the hatch!
amer., inf. down the hatch
выпивши v
Gruzovik, inf. drunk
Выпьешь? v
amer. Сare for a drink? (Val_Ships)
Выпьем v
Scotl. Slange (Kroatan)
выпитых prtc.
gen. beverage (Edict)
выпьем? v
gen. want a drink?
выпьешь? v
humor. will you indulge?
выпитьалкоголь v
slang tiddle (He's popped down to the pub for a tiddle. Interex)
: 592 phrases in 28 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech3
Humorous / Jocular5
Information technology1
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Uncommon / rare1
Vernacular language1