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adjective | verb | to phrases
выпендривающийся adj.stresses
gen. apish
выпендриваться v
gen. camp; talk large; put on airs (Азери); have an attitude (ad_notam)
Игорь Миг hotdog; sham; do something flashy
amer. flaunt (Maggie); strut (Maggie); boast (Maggie); parade (Maggie); show off (Maggie)
amer., slang gam
brit. ponce about (Anglophile); ponce around (Anglophile)
fig. prance (Vadim Rouminsky)
idiom. cut a swath (Yeldar Azanbayev); grandstand (Yeldar Azanbayev); cut a swathe (Yeldar Azanbayev); swathe through (Yeldar Azanbayev); put on dog (a US expression first recorded in 1871, in a book by L. H. Bagg 'Four Years at Yale': "Dog, style, splurge. To put on dog, is to make a flashy display, to cut a swell".: It’s extraordinary how one yields to that fatal temptation to swank. It undoes the best of us. Nothing, I mean, would have been simpler than to reply that she had got the data twisted and that the authoritatively annotated edition was a present for Jeeves. But, instead of doing the simple, manly, straightforward thing, I had to go and put on dog. ‘Oh, rather,’ I said, with an intellectual flick of the umbrella. ‘When I have a leisure moment, you will generally find me curled up with Spinoza’s latest.’ -- мне нужно было выпендриться / повыпендриваться перед ней ART Vancouver)
inf. put on lugs (Anglophile); come that (domestos); perform (domestos); act up (domestos); sound off (domestos); showboat (domestos); be cute (VLZ_58); flex (В любом из вариантов перевода – демонстрировать собственные достижения или превосходство. Вероятно, первоначально, "демонстрировать гибкость, "шпагат" и т. п.". Vadim Rouminsky); get too clever (Ремедиос_П); do (suburbian); flat-hat (MichaelBurov)
Makarov., inf. queen it (о женщине)
sarcast. be too cool for school (Амада Авея)
slang show off (Notburga); blow hot air (VLZ_58); floss (Sun2day)
sport. play too fancy (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг, inf. be puffed up; lay it on thick (Тут девок-то нет. Перед кем выпендриваться? – Who are you laying it on thick for? There aren't any girls around (Michele Berdy))
выпендривается v
amer. show off (Maggie); pose (Maggie)
 Russian thesaurus
выпендриваться v
inf. рисоваться (Andrey Truhachev)
выпендривающийся: 9 phrases in 4 subjects