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gen. disembogue; spill over into; stream; develop
fig. flow
geol. pour out
met. effluent
shipb. jet
| вино из бочки
 вино из бочки
Makarov. wine ex cask
| выломав
gen. break out
| в ней
 в ней
gen. therein
| дно
gen. bottom

verb | verb | to phrases
выливать vstresses
gen. found (металл); void; well; discharge (о жидкости); empty; outpour; circumfuse; toom (содержимое); start; pour; shoot
Gruzovik pour out (impf of вылить); drown out (impf of вылить)
comp. flow
ecol. dump (The yellow fish means that the culvert drains into a fish-bearing creek or stream and the storm drain is for rain water only. So don't dump chemicals such as paint in it as the creek / river has creatures we want to keep alive.  ART Vancouver)
fig. vent (feelings); cast; mold
Gruzovik, fig. vent (impf of вылить)
Gruzovik, met. cast (impf of вылить); found (impf of вылить); mold (impf of вылить)
Makarov. discharge (воду); sluice; empty out; circumfuse about; circumfuse around; ladle out (из ковша); pour out; tip out
met. ladle out
mil. discharge; spray (Киселев)
tech. teem (стекломассу из горшка); mould
выливаться v
gen. disembogue (о толпе); spill over into (e.g. a civil war MargeWebley); stream; take the shape (of); culminate (Weeks of civil unrest culminated in a protest march of over 25,000 people in the capital square. VLZ_58); flush out of
Gruzovik develop into (impf of вылиться); express itself in (impf of вылиться); be expressed in; take the shape of (impf of вылиться)
fig. take the form of (with в + acc.); develop into; end up being
geol. pour out
Gruzovik, fig. flow from (impf of вылиться); spring from (impf of вылиться)
Makarov. spill out; tip out
met. effluent
shipb. jet
tech. run out; flow out; be discharged
выливающийся prtc.
gen. effusive
выливать: 29 phrases in 9 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Mass media1
Silicate industry1