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вылететь vstresses
gen. get the gate; get the knock; set out (на самолёте); leave (из); shoot out; come racing out (toward – навстречу кому-либо: The dog came racing out toward me, teeth bared. • A police car came racing out of a side street, siren blaring. 4uzhoj); come flying out (откуда-то 4uzhoj); depart (by plane); take off
Gruzovik escape (pf of вылетать); leak out (pf of вылетать); pop out (pf of вылетать)
avia. fly off; fly out (самолётом: so a few days later we flew out to Seattle Val_Ships)
ed. fail out of (напр., из колледжа Hightide)
Gruzovik, avia. take off (impf of вылететь)
Gruzovik, inf. be fired (pf of вылетать); be sacked (вылетать)
inf. face the boot (из Супру); get thrown out of (из школы, армии, игры и т.п.: 10 most common ways troops get thrown out of the military. • I almost got thrown out of the school because they said I broke the rules. • I got thrown out of the game in the first mission. 4uzhoj); get kicked out of (из школы, армии, игры и т.п.: I got kicked out of the union a few years ago. • Allen West got kicked out of the Army for war crimes. • I got kicked out of the game. 4uzhoj); be fired (from a job); be eliminated (from a tournament)
Makarov. get the boot; get the kick; dart out; rush out; breeze out; shoot off (пулей)
Makarov., avia. take out
Makarov., fig. dash out
paraglid. start
sport. tumble out (As Portugal tumbled out of Euro 2008 on Thursday, the futures of their main two protagonists slid even more sharply into view.); be relegated (из премьер-лиги в 1-ю, из 1-й во 2-ю и т.д. Rami88)
tech. fly out
"вылететь" v
gen. crash out (из соревнований; of contention musichok); get the bag; get the boot; get the bounce; get the canvas; get the hoof; get the kick; get the knock; get the mitten; get the order of the boot; get the push; get the sack; get one's ticket; get one's walking orders; get one's walking papers; get one's walking ticket; get one's walking-orders; get one's walking-papers; get one's walking-ticket
Makarov. get the bird; get the gate; get the knock (с работы и т. п.); get the mitten (с работы и т. п.); get the push (с работы и т. п.); get the sack (с работы и т. п.)
scottish get one's leave
'вылететь v
Makarov. get the mitten
вылетел v
mil., avia. departed
: 218 phrases in 21 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Mass media1
Military aviation1
Road traffic1