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выкладывайте vstresses
gen. out with it (обращение слушающего к говорящему с призывам рассказать что-либо или закончить начатое высказывание)
выкладывать v
gen. border; lay; take; cast; outlay; overcast (камнем); prick out; set down; unpack; spread out; lay out; spread; set forth; brick; mason; plank down; plunk; revet; upload (файл и т.п. на сервер и т.п.: One of the most talked about recent videos was uploaded to the Web this month by Matvei K. Tsivinyuk, 15, a student from Krasnoyarsk, who secretly recorded a run-in with his principal after he defaced a United Russia poster hung in a school hallway. NYT – АД); line (with); put out (вещи); inlay; turn; cast
Gruzovik line (impf of выложить); face with (impf of выложить); compute (impf of выложить); say (impf of выложить); tell (impf of выложить); count (impf of выложить); decorate (impf of выложить); embellish with (impf of выложить); reveal (impf of выложить); state (impf of выложить); cover (impf of выложить); spread out
Игорь Миг drop (= заплатить/ разг.); dangle
amer. plank
construct. brasque (печь); revet (камнем)
dipl., fig. discharge
fig., inf. tell; reveal; lay bare; face (with instr., with); pave (with)
Gruzovik, dial. castrate (impf of выложить); geld (impf of выложить)
Gruzovik, obs. border with (impf of выложить); edge with (impf of выложить)
inet. post (Andrey Truhachev); put (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. fork over (fork over thousands of dollars for this priviledge ART Vancouver); spit out (If you have something you need to say, then spit it out today. VLZ_58); spout off (Marina_Onishchenko); shell out (о деньгах Min$draV)
libr. lay (листы)
Makarov. face (покрывать, выстилать поверхность); arrange (листьями); lay out (вынимать наружу); line (покрывать, выстилать поверхность); take out (вынимать наружу); cough up; plonk down (деньги); trot out; inlet; unpack (вынимать наружу); put out (вещи и т. п.)
Makarov., inf. plunk down
mech.eng., obs. fettle
mil., tech. revet (напр., камнем)
nautic. slip (о гаке)
obs. suppute
polygr. deposit (напр., листы на приёмку); dress (матрицу картоном)
Scotl. ware (деньги; на что-либо)
silic. line (покрывать поверхность)
slang run it down; spew guts (Anglophile); fork out (money djnickhodgkins); confess
tech. line; lay out (вынимать); take out (вынимать); face (покрывать поверхность); unpack (вынимать)
выкладываться v
gen. lay oneself out; be fully stretched; shoot the works; work flat out (на работе Anglophile); go all out (Anglophile); be flat out (Anglophile); try one's best (Anglophile); bust one's ass (КГА); compute; count; decorate; embellish (with); lay (with); lay out; line (with); exert yourself (Юрий Павленко); strain every sinew (Anglophile); cover; edge (with); face (with); put out; spread out; bend over backwards (Liv Bliss); give 110% (Taras); give a hundred and ten percent (Taras); give it one hundred and ten percent (Taras); put out one's strength; put out one's energies; play out; put one's back into (sth.)
Gruzovik unpack (impf of выложиться)
Игорь Миг do one's utmost; take great pains; be in a mad dash to
animat. put up (See, when you start invading people's privacy, eh thinking it's harmless to put up pictures of them they didn't want up... South_Park)
dial. castrate; geld
fig., inf. say; tell; reveal; state
inf. pull out all the stops (Anglophile); grind away (Mermaiden)
Makarov. lay oneself out for + to inf.
nautic. slip (о гаке)
obs. border
slang put in work (Баян); knock oneself out (прилагать усилия hizman); go balls out (I went balls out on my term paper. VLZ_58)
sport. give-it-all
vulg. tear one's ass off; tear one's ass
выкладывай! v
gen. shoot away!; give it to me straight! (Franka_LV); speak up! (Franka_LV); out with it! (Franka_LV); fire away!
inf. spill it! (just_green); spell it! (Julchonok)
jarg. I want to hear your complaint so go ahead and shoot
slang shoot!
выкладывай v
gen. go for it! (Mr. Wolf)
Игорь Миг don't leave me hanging
inf. spit it out! (в знач. "говори уже", "не тяни": "Sir, I ... I ... er ..." Come on man! Spit it out!" Anglophile); bring it on (kristy021); let's hear it (в ответ на предложение и т.п.: A snort told him what his friend thought of his version of the story. “All right, let's hear it. What do you need?” 4uzhoj); come on then (исходя из контекста: Come on then, what's she done now? Abysslooker)
Выкладывай! v
inf. Get on with it! (ART Vancouver); let's have it! (Говори!)
Выкладывай v
jarg. Spill (ART Vancouver)
"выкладываться" v
Makarov. be fully stretched (в работе)
: 201 phrase in 32 subjects
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