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gen. outmode; be out of fashion; go out of date; be out of vogue; go out of vogue; go out of fashion; be out-of-trend (Technical); be out of fashion; pass of style (out of current use, etc., и т.д.); aged like milk (emphasizes lost humor and changing trends: His jokes aged like milk. They were funny ten years ago, but now they're cringeworthy – Его шутки вышли из моды, как прошлогодние шляпки. Смешили десять лет назад, но сейчас звучат кринжевато Taras)
Игорь Миг go out of style
busin. fall out of fashion
fig.of.sp. be out of style (nastja_s)
hobby burn and crash (Анна Ф); become uncool (Анна Ф)
idiom. be dead as a dodo (Taras)
inf. go out
Makarov. be out; grow out of fashion
slang wash up
вышло из моды
gen. out of wear
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: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1