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gen. misgive (to suggest doubt or fear to Vadim Rouminsky); stagger; reflect; raise a red flag (grigoriy_m)
Игорь Миг raise flags; give pause
busin. reflect on
idiom. a shadow of doubt crosses one's mind (triumfov)
law cast doubt (Вызывать сомнение – to cast doubt; to cause doubt; to be questioned, to be suspect: The wisdom of studying these effects over a narrow range of growth rates, as has been the practice in most investigations, is thus questioned. (Таким образом сама целесообразность ... вызывает сомнение) The precision of their results is suspect since the correction for radiation heat transfer was of the same magnitude as the natural convection heat transfer. Климзо Alexander Demidov); cause doubt (Климзо Alexander Demidov); be suspect (Климзо Alexander Demidov); cast doubt (Вызывать сомнение – to cast doubt; to cause doubt; to be questioned, to be suspect: The wisdom of studying these effects over a narrow range of growth rates, as has been the practice in most investigations, is thus questioned. (Таким образом сама целесообразность ... вызывает сомнение) The precision of their results is suspect since the correction for radiation heat transfer was of the same magnitude as the natural convection heat transfer. Климзо – АД)
Makarov. give rise to doubt; raise doubts; arouse doubt
math. call in question; be open to question; be in doubt
media. generate doubts (bigmaxus); spawn doubts (bigmaxus)
mining. be open to speculation
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gen. call in question
amer. pose a challenge (The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility. Val_Ships)
Makarov. be open to question; provoke doubt
media. raise doubts; raise questions (Андрей Уманец)
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: 41 phrases in 11 subjects
Cliche / convention1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3