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gen. till; watch for; watch; mark time; bide time; play a waiting game
idiom. news sit on the fence
| как
gen. how now
| развернуться
gen. unfold
| события
construct. event

to phrases
выжидать vstresses
gen. till; watch for; watch (случая); mark time; bide one's time; play a waiting game; sit on the hedge; wait to see (what/when, etc. bookworm); bide time; wait (for); wait for (the right moment); temporize; buy time (VLZ_58); bide (тж. см. bide one's time Taras); take one's time; cool the heels; wait out; wait till the end of; bide one’s time; see how the cat jumps; see which way the cat jumps
Gruzovik wait for (impf of выждать)
Игорь Миг wait in the wings; look on; stay out of the fray; be on the fence
amer. sit on the rail; sit out (не предпринимать каких-либо действий Val_Ships); hunker down (Е. Тамарченко, 28.03.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
explan. sit tight (В.И.Макаров)
fig. lie in wait (The opposition was quietly lying in wait for the incumbent to make his first big mistake. • Agents for the anti-money sector have lain in wait for months to see if the corporation would fall for their new sting operation. 4uzhoj)
fig.of.sp. hold out for something (чего-либо Vadim Rouminsky)
idiom. wait for the cat to jump (Yeldar Azanbayev)
idiom., news sit on the fence
inf. lie doggo; lie low
Makarov. hedge; take one's time; wait till something is over; watch out for
Makarov., amer. straddle the fence
sport. hold
tech. wait
textile dwell
выжидая v
obs. temporizingly
выжидай v
fig.of.sp. cool your heels (досл. "Охлаждай пятки" Maeldune)
выжидать: 62 phrases in 11 subjects
Occupational health & safety1
Real estate1