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выдумка nstresses
gen. artifice; fib; fiction; contrivance; tale; fable; fabrication; romance; story; capriccio; malarkey; verisimilitudes; whigmaleerie; whim-wham (дикая); confabulation; figment; gammon; windy; fairy tale; a figment of the mind; fictitious narrative; made-up story; make-believe reply; caprice; make-believe; fictive narrative; tarradiddle (Anglophile); hoax (Stormy); make believe; make up; story telling; whimsy whamsy; flam; make-up; tall story (В.И.Макаров); lie (Moscowtran); concoction; fabricated story (Andrey Truhachev); brainchild; cock-and-bull story; whim wham; fancy (Taras); piece of embroidery (as Mrs. Calment grew older and frailer, the tales about her became suspiciously improbable. Did she really remember Van Gogh when he had both his ears, or was this a piece of embroidery by a journalist who worked out that the painter lived in Arles when Jeanne Calment was a girl? VLZ_58); urban legend (The "insulin makes us fat" story is nothing but an urban legend used to scare us. • Of course, there are those who believe Nessie is nothing but an urban legend or a tourist attraction. 4uzhoj); a fabrication (Marsha_Umansky); flight of fancy (VLZ_58); flight of fantasy (VLZ_58); make-believe story (Taras); urban myth (The story of the Chevy Nova is a classic urban myth, a story that is told and retold so often that it is believed to be true even though it isn't. КГА); invention; fudge; coining; conceiving; conception; contriving; devise; flim-flam; idle story; imagining; knack; plot
Gruzovik device; gadget; idea
Игорь Миг falsehood
amer. tall tale (Anglophile)
austral., inf. yarn
dipl. figment of the mind; make reply; baloney
ed. fantasy
fig. myth; hammering
fig., disappr. coinage
Gruzovik, inf. inventiveness
humor. fish story
inf. story-telling; malarky; twister
obs. contrivement; whapper
poetic forgery
psychol. imagination
Scotl. whid
scottish flaw
slang bum; ackamarackus (Anglophile); ackamaracka (Anglophile); gag
выдумки n
gen. tale (часто pl); storytelling (fiuri2)
Игорь Миг fudge; bogus narratives
amer. make-believe (Taras)
inf. fairytale; fool's gold (Кинопереводчик); propwash (MichaelBurov)
mil., lingo Fanny Adams (MichaelBurov)
Игорь Миг, inf. BS talk
: 99 phrases in 15 subjects
Computer games1
Journalism terminology1
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated1
Public relations1