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gen. look; wear; seem; seem; show; come across
inf. find
Makarov. appear
math. look like
| более
gen. anymore
| выгодно
gen. it is advantageous
- only individual words found

to phrases
выглядеть vstresses
gen. look (как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом); wear; seem (she seems tired – она выглядит усталой); seem (she seems tired – она выглядит усталой;she seems young – она выглядит молодо); show (the red scar on the forehead showed on the pallid skin like a palpitating wound zeev); come across (Kirichenko Dmitry); feel (Since the map is more wide than long, it feels smaller. I. Havkin); measure up (I thought we measured up pretty well. VLZ_58); carry an air (Abysslooker); run (Игорь Глазырин); project an image (TVovk); stand (How does the medal table stand? aleko.2006)
inf. find; look over; spy out; discover; examine
Makarov. appear
math. look like
seism. read (об уравнениях)
выглядит v
int.rel. is seen (In Israel the language barrier that exists between Arabs and Jews IS SEEN as one of the primary obstacles to coexistence Alex Pike)
выглядеть более: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
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