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gen. drive you crazy (Ralana); infuriate; huff; bedevil (The control issues that bedeviled me are design choices, not bugs.); drive someone crazy; put one's back up; screw up; put out; put out of temper (Anglophile); bemad; rouse; put somebody out of temper; exasperate; take a rise; roughen; spite; throw off balance (Anglophile); drive someone frantic (Anglophile); make someone go purple in the face (Anglophile); drive spare (Anglophile); drive one out of one's wits (Сomandor); bother the heck out of (Inchionette); get in someone's hair; have somebody on edge (кого-либо Александр_10); pull someone's chain (kopeika); burn someone's bacon (Ремедиос_П); madden; miff; nettle (VLZ_58); get in someone's face (If someone gets in your face, they annoy you or act in an aggressive way towards you. КГА); make crazy (I don't know if I agree with the protestors' measures here, but being in a vehicle and unable to move really is stressful and makes people crazy. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг drive crazy; drive nuts (Those old people drive me nuts.); peeve; set on edge; set nerves to edge; provoke ire; raise hackles
amer. gravel (lexico.com Aussie Ruskie); get on someone's last nerve (Maggie); bug the shit out of (someone Maggie); bitch off (Anglophile); tick or piss someone off (Maggie); rattle someone's cage (кого-либо Val_Ships)
fig. tear to pieces
fig.of.sp. put someone's back up (annoy someone deliberately Clepa)
idiom. push someone's buttons (My mother-in-law really knew how to push my buttons. VLZ_58); ruffle feathers (VLZ_58); under my skin (loon); yank someone's chain ("He's yanking your chain. Ain't no way anyone could be that dumb" myhas); rub the wrong way (VLZ_58); ruffle one's feathers (Taras)
inf. take the mickey out of (Andrey Truhachev); drive someone up a wall (Every time I hit a bump I hear a hellacious rattling noise on the left side of the dashboard and it's really driving me up a wall. 4uzhoj); freak someone out (This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it. g e n n a d i); get on someone's nerves (Maggie); get to (Don't let that get to you. – Только пусть это не выводит тебя из себя. VLZ_58); tick off; break one's balls (Arif); break balls (Arif); mad; push someone's buttons (to do specific things to anger someone, especially intentionally or maliciously. | You really knew how to push my buttons. chronik); tee off (Andrey Truhachev); psyche out (VLZ_58); drive up the pole (VLZ_58); hack off (Br. Andrey Truhachev); take the mickey (out of someone Andrey Truhachev); test temper (VLZ_58); bug (Andrey Truhachev)
low piss someone off (You're pissing me off! 4uzhoj)
Makarov. throw out
Makarov., inf., amer. tee up
Makarov., slang drive someone up the wall (кого-либо)
Scotl. raise
slang take the mickey out of (someone Anglophile)
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gen. ruffle temper; throw off one's balance; drive someone out of his wits; psych out (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik throw someone off his/her balance; drive someone out of his/her wits
inf. rub one the wrong way (Побеdа); drive somebody up the wall (to make someone very angry or very bored КГА); push someone's buttons (Andy); push somebody's buttons (Andy)
Makarov. get someone's back up; put someone's back up; set someone's back up; ruffle someone's temper
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gen. madden; put smb.'s back up by (smth., чем-л.); throw smb. off balance
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proverb infuriate (someone); put beside himself
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slang drive someone up the wall (Interex)
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: 27 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling2