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gen. squash; edge into; wedge oneself in; press in; get in; crowd into
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gen. when on a bus

verb | verb | to phrases
втискивать vstresses
gen. crowd in; wedge in; press; fit; ram; stuff (into); box up; box in; press in; sandwich; work in; get in; persuade; get into a place (что-либо, куда-либо); shoehorn (Anglophile); sardine; edge into (ся); choke in; squeeze in; cram (into); crush; jam; squeeze (with в + acc., into); force in; squash in (lop20); wedge
dial. thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
fig. weasel (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. sandwich (между чем-либо)
Makarov. corkscrew; crowd (into, on to); cram into; crowd into; crowd onto; crush into; fit in; crowd through; crush in; edge into; get someone, something into a place (куда-либо; что-либо); jam in; jam into; jam on; jam through; push in; push into; stuff into; work something into place (куда-либо; что-либо); shove in; shove into
Makarov., inf. sandwich between (между чем-либо); sandwich in (между чем-либо)
tech. cram in; press into; squeeze into; thrust into; force into
втискиваться v
gen. squash; edge into (edge oneself into the conversation – вмешиваться в чужой разговор); wedge oneself in; press in; get in; crowd into; crowd through; edge in; elbow (into something / во что-либо); cram in; cram into; force into; squeeze into; squeeze oneself in (to); crammed into (Natalia SIRINA); cram (The whole team crammed into the bus Юрий Гомон); force in; squeeze in; crush; squeeze (into); crowd (into); jam (into)
Gruzovik squeeze oneself into (impf of втискаться, втиснуться); squeeze oneself in (impf of втискаться, втиснуться)
dial. thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
fig. scrape
inf. nick in; nip in; fit (with в + acc., into)
Makarov. crowd (into, on to); work in; crowd onto; crush into; edge into; crush in; elbow into something; work into; squeeze
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: 9 phrases in 3 subjects