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всё устроится
 всё устроилось
gen. everything worked out
 всё устроится
gen. things will work themselves out; things will work out
 всё устроить
gen. arrange matters; square away; get it made
| я надеюсь
 я надеюсь
gen. I hope so; i presume; hopefully

to phrases
всё устроитьstresses
gen. arrange matters ("Come back with your money. The coin may or may not be here, but if I am satisfied with your behaviour, I will arrange matters." (Raymond Chandler) – я всё устрою ART Vancouver); square away (Taras); get it made (в жизни Alex Lilo)
inf. have everything lined up (VLZ_58)
всё устроится
gen. things will work themselves out (Things will work themselves out, I'm sure. ART Vancouver); things will work out
всё устроилось
gen. everything worked out
всё устроится: 26 phrases in 4 subjects