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gen. come in (VLZ_58); become effective; enter into force; commence (This agreement shall commence on [insert date] ("the Commencement Date") and continue for a period of [ ] months unless terminated earlier by either party under the provisions of Clause [ ]. LE2 Alexander Demidov); intervene (The troops intervened when the marchers neared the Jall. I. Havkin)
automat. come into play
avia. come into action (о договоре)
busin. enter into operation
EBRD come on-stream (oVoD); come on stream (oVoD)
econ. take effect
econ., tech. go on stream
inf. kick in (let's wait when this law kicks in Val_Ships)
law enter into effect (fyodorpar); come into force; come into operation; come into effect
Makarov. become valid; come in; come into; come into action
math. come into action (operation, service, use, practice)
slang get the lead out
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gen. put the plan into action (Ivan Pisarev); pursue a plan (Ivan Pisarev); implement the plan (Ivan Pisarev); carry out the plan (Ivan Pisarev); follow the plan (Ivan Pisarev); execute the plan (Ivan Pisarev); fulfill the plan (Ivan Pisarev); put the plan into motion (Ivan Pisarev); put the plan in motion (Ivan Pisarev); set the plan into motion (Ivan Pisarev); put the plan into effect (Ivan Pisarev); translate the plan into action (Ivan Pisarev); realize the plan (Ivan Pisarev); proceed with the plan (Ivan Pisarev); further the plan (Ivan Pisarev); enforce the plan (Ivan Pisarev); launch the plan into action (Ivan Pisarev); go through with the plan (Ivan Pisarev); undertake the plan (Ivan Pisarev); bring the plan into execution (Ivan Pisarev)
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: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Inheritance law1