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gen. make eye contact (Step to the curb and attempt to make eye contact with the oncoming driver. • Sterling described this creature as a translucent-skinned, hairless and "insanely thin" humanoid without distinctive facial features except for a gaping mouth and massive black eyes. After making eye contact with her, the creature ran away with an eerie scream. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver); meet someone's gaze (Maria_Sen); meet someone's gaze (с кем-либо TarasZ); meet someone's glance (4uzhoj)
inf. lock eyes (with someone // As she came closer, she locked eyes with him (=gazed into each other's eyes). // Her burgundy eyes locked on mine as she stepped forward to meet me halfway. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. make eye contact
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gen. meet eye
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gen. meet someone's gaze (с кем-либо TarasZ)
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: 11 phrases in 3 subjects