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gen. take the path (of something: When I found myself at a crossroads of whether to pursue a Ph.D. and teach or become a physician, I boldly decided to take the path of medicine. virginia.edu anyname1); get on the path (of something: Once you know you actually do want to invest time, energy and resources into taking back control of your health and getting on the path of wellness... anyname1); embark on the a path (SirReal); embark on a path of (чего-либо A.Rezvov); embark on the path of (+ gen.)
Игорь Миг embark on a course; embark upon the path of
dipl. settle down to a course
Makarov. enter on the path
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gen. keep away (Neither land nor water can keep the hovercraft away. ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг stand in the way of
inf. get in the way of (q3mi4)
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gen. throw oneself in way; be in someone's path
встать на путь: 31 phrases in 7 subjects
Criminal law2