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gen. flash; blush; break out; flame; inflame; kindle
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Makarov. quoth he

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gen. flash; break out (о пожаре, войне, эпидемии, восстании и т. п.: Forest fires have broken out across Indonesia. • War broke out in 1914. • Fighting broke out between demonstrators and the police. • An epidemic of cholera broke out in northeast Nigeria's remote Borno state in late September, 2014. • A rare riot broke out in Singapore on Sunday night, apparently after a Bangladeshi worker in the Little India district was hit and killed by a bus, a local television channel reported. theguardian.com); flame; inflame; kindle; spark; burst out (о войне, эпидемии); irrupt; outblaze; flare; ruddle; burst into a rage; blush scarlet; get into a tantrum; go into a tantrum; take the huff; get into a huff; turn scarlet; raddle; catch fire; go off like a rocket; burst into flame (о чувствах и т. п.); set alight (Andrew Goff); set ablaze (Andrew Goff); burst into fire (Andrew Goff); set on fire (Andrew Goff); combust; lighten; overflush; glance; blaze away; burst in; flare up-to flare out; flare up (о войне, пожаре, болезни, ссоре); flame out; flame up; fly into a tantrum; flush scarlet; reddle; scintillate; flicker; blaze up (о пламени или горючем: A small fire immediately blazed up, adding to a cascade of embers arcing down from the huge fire above them. • In the leaping light, as the fresh wood blazed up, Frodo saw many grey shapes spring over the ring of stones. • "On top of the tower an unbearably bright light blazed up," one of the Soviet physicists recalled. • The flames lighted up the stage as the light tinsel stuffs blazed up, and the scene changed from mimicry to tragedy.); flush (часто flush up); glint; sparkle (4uzhoj); uprise (контекстное значение (напр., о восстании) The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a major, but ultimately unsuccessful, uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company. I. Havkin); lit up (chilin); throw a hissy fit (вспыхнуть гневом): Trump also threw a hissy fit after getting challenged by two female reporters youtube.com Mr. Wolf); go off the deepest end (to become incensed or agitated over an unexpected incident КГА); burst out in a blaze; blink
Gruzovik blush (pf of вспыхивать)
Игорь Миг go berserk; throw temper tantrums; go ballistic; throw a fit
astronaut. burst
austral., slang chuck a wobbly; spit the dummy
context. break out (Her father, fortunately, moved to Jordan just two weeks before the conflict broke out in April. AlexandraV)
fig.of.sp. blaze up (As events transpired, few large nations behaved very differently from China once the disease blazed up within their own borders. • The idea made the fire that was devouring his heart blaze up even more fiercely and he started off in pursuit.)
Gruzovik, fig. become incensed (pf of вспыхивать); boil with anger (pf of вспыхивать)
Gruzovik, mil. break out war (pf of вспыхивать)
jarg., college.vern. smoke (от стыда)
Makarov. break into flame; break into flames; burst into flame; burst into flames; go up in flames; break out (о болезни, эпидемии); go off like a Roman candle; catch fire (энтузиазмом и т. п.); flush up; flash out; flash up; blaze with; burst out; flare out; flare up (от гнева, страсти); take fire; turn red
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gen. ablush
: 76 phrases in 8 subjects
Contextual meaning1