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gen. get into a tantrum; go into a tantrum; fly into a tantrum; get hot under the collar (гневом Andrey Truhachev); flip lid (Баян); boil up; well up (of emotions); fly into a rage
Gruzovik boil (pf of кипеть); churn (pf of кипеть); seethe (pf of кипеть); boil up; boil over (pf of вскипать); effervesce (pf of вскипать); froth (pf of кипеть); come to a boil
Игорь Миг go berserk; throw temper tantrums; go ballistic
amer. well up (от злости, возмущения; Anger welled up inside us when we saw what they had done. Val_Ships)
fig.of.sp. foam at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev); froth at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, met. rim of steel (pf of кипеть)
idiom. go through the roof (z484z)
inf. lash out (Notburga)
Makarov. flare up; boil over; come to the boil
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Figure of speech2