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вполне мочьstresses
gen. might well (о 50-70 процентной вероятности; She might well not want to come to terms with it. – Она вполне может не хотеть смириться с этим. TarasZ); may well (о 50-70-ти процентной вероятности; She may well not want to come to terms with it. – Она вполне может не хотеть смириться с этим. TarasZ); can well (о 50-70-ти процентной вероятности; She could well not want to come to terms with it. – Она вполне могла не хотеть смириться с этим. TarasZ)
вполне мог
gen. very well may have (+ pp: "Researchers in Russia say that the mysterious metal fragment, which measures around three feet long by three feet wide, appears to be some kind of debris from an intercontinental missile. Although it's hard to fathom that a piece of evidence from the Dyatlov Pass incident could have survived undiscovered in the Ural mountains for nearly sixty years, the extremely remote nature of the location leaves open the possibility that it very well may have. Presumably an examination of the metal will allow for it to be identified and, in turn, place it within some time frame which will reveal whether or not it is connected to the case." https://www.coasttocoastam.com/ ART Vancouver); might quite well have (+ pp: Judging from the clues, the criminals might quite well have entered the house through the basement and not from the kitchen. – вполне могли проникнуть в дом • The man who stole the sixty-five-pound brass frog from the children's pool might quite well have stolen the brass apple from the Venus Fountain. ART Vancouver)
вполне может
Игорь Миг is well positioned to
math. may well
вполне мочь
: 36 phrases in 3 subjects