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gen. conceivably (Ремедиос_П); distinctly possible (Wakeful dormouse); as likely as not (Anglophile); perhaps; there is just a chance; way possible (4uzhoj); it is a possibility (Alex_Odeychuk); may very well be (Vic_Ber); entirely possible (It is entirely possible the company will bring in replacement workers if the strike goes on past next weekend. ART Vancouver); perfectly possible (Andrey Truhachev); highly likely (Alex_Odeychuk); it's not outside the realm of possibility (tarantula); it's not beyond the realm of possibility (tarantula); very possible (kee46); quite possibly (TranslationHelp); it is not unlikely (из самоучителя по переводу Фалалеева YGA); likely (Юрий Гомон)
Игорь Миг chances are; not beyond the realm of possibility; that makes sense
amer. allegedly (Val_Ships)
inf. I'll buy that (4uzhoj); I dare say
Makarov. very much so
mining. it may well be
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gen. that could well be the case (ART Vancouver); could well be the case; Quite possible (ART Vancouver)
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gen. reasonably expected (Ася Кудрявцева); a distinct possibility (ssn)
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gen. looks likely (olga garkovik)
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: 28 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum1