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вот и всеstresses
gen. that is all there is to it; that is the whole story; that's all there is to it; that's all; that's the long and the short of it; there it is!; that's it (Okay, that's it. You can go now. • I came here just to visit the museum and that's it. Oleg Sollogub); that's all of it (You're just simply lost, and that's all of it. / And that's all of it in a nutshell. 4uzhoj); this is it (This is it, we're all gonna die. 4uzhoj); Nothing more (val52)
brit. there you are
inf. there we have it (Andy); there you go (Andy); obviously (в некоторых контекстах: A: How did you find me? B: Obviously I hacked into your email Pickman); is all (или was all – в зависимости от времени: I just wanted to see you, is all. • There was really no need to reply. I was just letting you know, is all. • "Why do you sound so sly suddenly?" "Do I? Oh, no reason. I was just surprised is all." • I'm down with Cathy, we just had a small disagreement is all. • I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed, is all. • Jane's not a bad kid. She's headstrong, is all. • I'm down with Cathy, we just had a small disagreement is all. 4uzhoj)
вот и все!
inf. that should do it! (Sidle)
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gen. it's as simple as that; as simple as that (VLZ_58); so that's that (flourella); that's about it (употребляется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что Вы сказали всё, что собирались сказать по обсуждаемому вопросу Dim); it is as simple as that (Anglophile); end of story (Anglophile); and that's it (Kristenka); that's that (scherfas); that is it (это последнее, мы закончили CepGuk)
amer. that's a wrap (Taras)
brit., mean.2 that's done it (an exclamation when something is completed: Well, that's done it then. All the figures are up to date, all the projections are calculated and checked, and all the reports are filed. Ah, that's what I call a good day's work. goo.gl Ин.яз)
idiom., amer. that's all she wrote (That's all she wrote for the defending champions, who fall just short of bringing home the title a second time. VLZ_58)
inf. simple as that (arturmoz); that's the top and bottom of it (Abysslooker)
sport. that'll do it (SirReal)
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gen. that's the lot!
amer. drop the mike (жест бросания микрофона на пол, обозначающий, что выступающий уверен – оппоненту нечего возразить; в переносном смысле, когда человек уверен, что выполнил работу идеально, ни убавить, ни прибавить. wchupin)
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: 33 phrases in 7 subjects
Animation and animated films1
Cliche / convention1