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inf. imagine!
gen. imagine; fancy; whomp up; conceive; picture; figure
amer. contemplate
book. envision
| что
math. anything
| пропал
gen. disappear

verb | verb | to phrases
вообразить vstresses
gen. fancy; whomp up; conceive; picture (Just picture this Liv Bliss); see; get into one's head (Sergei Aprelikov); imagine
Gruzovik imagine; figure (pf of воображать)
amer. contemplate (себе: contemplate the vastness of the universe Val_Ships)
book. envision
Gruzovik, obs. intend (pf of воображать); plan (pf of воображать)
вообрази! v
Gruzovik just fancy!; just picture!; just imagine!; just imagine!; just picture!; just fancy!
вообразите! v
Gruzovik just fancy!; just picture!; just picture!; just fancy!
inf. just imagine!
вообразиться v
Gruzovik seem (pf of воображаться)
Gruzovik, obs. imagine oneself (pf of воображаться)
воображённый prtc.
math. imaginary; imagined
вообразить: 33 phrases in 7 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Uncommon / rare1