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волчья ямаstresses
gen. pit; military pit; trap-hole; concealed pit (raf); trap hole; trapfall; man trap
Gruzovik concealed pit tank trap
amer. deadfall trap (Taras)
anim.husb. trap fall
Gruzovik, fr. trou-de-loup (a conical or pyramidal pit with a pointed stake fixed vertically in the center, rows of which are dug in front of a fortification to hinder an enemy's approach, formerly used chiefly against cavalry)
Gruzovik, mil. traphole
hunt. pitfall (ValerieUst)
met. pit kiln (Kukulkan)
mil. obstacle pit; anti-tank pit; trou-de-loup
mil., arm.veh. antitank pit
mil., tech. wolf hole (заграждение)
"волчья яма"
mil. wolf's hole (tank trap: a pit, covered and camouflaged)
mil., tech. pit (заграждение)
волчьи ямы
mil., arm.veh. Belgian pits
волчья яма
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