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gen. amuser
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gen. hoax; lead somebody a dance; lead somebody a pretty dance; give the go-around (Anglophile); give someone the run around (Anglophile); lead one down the garden path (Interex); mislead (last_tochka); mess around with (novinite.com nerdie); make a fool (of); assify; lead someone on; string someone along; take in; leave one's cheese out of the wind; leave sb. holding the bag; pull someone's leg (Anglophile); dupe (kee46); amuse; bear one in hand; bring one into a fool's paradise; dish; cut one's throat with a feather (кого-л.); fribble; lead by the nose; keep off and on; play the fool with one; hold one in play; keep one in play; hoodwink (to deceive by false appearance (Merriam-Webster): For sure... capitalism's working out great for the 1%, isn't it.....take a look around. You've been hoodwinked. -- Вас водят за нос / Вас одурачили. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik fool; make a fool of
Игорь Миг pull one over on
fig. lead up the garden path (Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. lead down the primrose path (Aprilen); lead down the garden path (Mira_G); play for a sucker ("He wrote me that letter because he had a guilty conscience. He had played me for a sucker and he was too nice a guy for that to rest easy on him." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); pull someone's leg (В.И.Макаров); pull a fast one on (someone Баян); throw dust in someone's eyes (z484z); pull the wool over someone's eyes; be feeding with empty calories (He'll know if we're feeding him with empty calories. – Он поймёт что к чему, если мы будем водить его за нос. They won't be empty. – А мы не будем. Alex_Odeychuk)
inf. string (часто string along); string; two-time (Anglophile); have someone on a line (Enrica); lead around by the nose (george serebryakov); make a fool of (someone – кого-либо)
inf., context. give someone the runaround (The suspect gave police the runaround for 22 years. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. play with loaded dice
proverb give somebody a dance (кого-либо)
slang string along (drag someone along on a string of lies); string along; pull the wool over someone eyes
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gen. keep on a string; lead up the garden path; lead a dance; lead up the garden
inf. fool; lead in a pretty dance
Makarov. lead someone up the garden path; keep someone on a string; lead a pretty dance; kid someone along; kid someone on; lead someone a merry dance
obs., Makarov. bear someone in hand
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gen. lead smb. a pretty dance; pull smb.'s leg; lead sb. a dance; lead sb. a pretty dance; pull a fast one; pull a fast one on (sb.); pull the wool over one's eyes; keep one on the tenters; keep one upon the tenters
fig. lead one a wild goose-chase
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Gruzovik, inf. make a fool of (someone)
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: 9 phrases in 5 subjects