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вне всяких сомненийstresses
gen. beyond all doubt; doubtless; beyond dispute; beyond a shadow without a shadow of a doubt; not a shadow of a doubt (Alexander Demidov); beyond any tiny shade of a doubt (из газетной статьи США Clint Ruin); out of dispute; past dispute; without dispute
Игорь Миг without question
idiom. no doubt about it (No doubt about it, the fans are disappointed in the team. Shabe)
inf. off top (fast-forward); beyond the shadow of a doubt (Alexander Matytsin)
Makarov. beyond a shadow of a doubt; without a shadow of a doubt; without a shadow of doubt
scient. beyond any reasonable doubt
вне всякого сомнения
gen. most certainly; up the wazoo (Dude67); beyond all doubt; beyond all question; beyond compare; beyond a shadow of doubt; without a doubt (ybelov); beyond peradventure; without peradventure; without any doubt (lingvo.ua Dollie); most certain; all but certain (Despite threats by the United States to cut off several billion dollars in support for the Egyptian military if its generals continued their brutal crackdowns, protesters are still in jail, and the coming presidential election seems all but certain to be manipulated. 4uzhoj); beyond all dispute (Irina Sorochinskaya); certainly (nicknicky777); unmistakably ("Not only was he devastatingly handsome, he had a style all his own. The way he walked and talked and moved was unmistakably Cary Grant. (Carrie Dolan, the Wall Street Journal) ART Vancouver); beyond all reasonable doubts
Gruzovik beyond any doubt
Игорь Миг clearly; overwhelmingly likely; it's a given; unquestionably; incontrovertibly; absolutely
amer. slam dunk (something that is sure to happen or be successful Val_Ships); with no doubt whatsoever (Val_Ships)
dipl. past question (bigmaxus)
idiom. by all means (Александр У); hands down (Vadim Rouminsky); no doubt about it (No doubt about it, the fans are disappointed in the team. Shabe)
inf. beyond the shadow of a doubt (Alexander Matytsin); that's beyond a shadow of a doubt (Val_Ships); beyond a shadow of a doubt (Val_Ships); make no mistake (They are in control of the business, make no mistake about it. Val_Ships); it's beyond any doubt (His ability to succeed has been established. It's beyond any doubt. Val_Ships)
math. beyond all shadow of doubt; beyond question; beyond any reasonable doubt
obs. out of question (помета "устревшее" относится к англ. части статьи 4uzhoj)
slang no messing (ichamomilla)
вне всяких сомнений
: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1