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внесу ясностьstresses
gen. to be clear (Igor_M)
внести ясность
gen. clarify; clear the air (Anglophile); put the record straight (Anglophile); make a definitive statement (make a definitive statement in response to market rumours – внести ясность по поводу слухов на рынках ART Vancouver); put some clarity into it (Thanks for putting some clarity into it. ART Vancouver); add to clarity (goroshko); lend clarity to (Scinta); put things in perspective (to put things in perspective, this is going to cost you $15,000 – чтобы внести ясность, это тебе обойдется в 15 тыс. долларов Рина Грант); tie up loose ends (I was just about to ask a question, as to whether they knew each other. You tied up a lot of loose ends. Побеdа)
Игорь Миг make a point
book. unconfuse (MichaelBurov)
formal impart more insight into (MichaelBurov)
idiom. set the record straight (по какому-л. вопросу (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь под ред. А.В. Кунина, М., "Русский язык", 1984 г.) | to give the true version of events that have been reported incorrectly; to correct a misapprehension (Oxford Dictionary): The "Marilyn behind the mask," he continued, was overly generous, very intelligent (she had over 400 books in her collection), and not at all arrogant, and Karger wanted to set the record straight with the memoir. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov. clarify (во что-либо)
внесу ясность
: 24 phrases in 10 subjects
Mass media1