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внести в реестрstresses
gen. put on the register (A child's name may be put on the register under one or more of the following categories / Anyone can apply to have a historic place or area put on the Register / In the event of a claim, the information you have supplied and the claim form together with other information relating to the claim, will be put on the register and made available to participants. 4uzhoj); place on the register (насколько можно судить по гуглу, это выражение больше относится к журналам учета кадров и реестрам исторических памяток) Once you have been placed on the Register and assigned a unique registration number, you will remain on the Register for three years. / You will have received a letter from HR informing you that you have been placed on the register / The two other buildings that have been placed on the register are the Town Hall in Pontypridd and Theatre Royal in Barry. 4uzhoj); list on the register (East Midlands School of Business & Management has been officially listed on the Register of Sponsors. / Также много результатов по автралийским сайтам по отношению к памяткам старины: The following items have been listed on the Register of the National Estate. / Worldwide, 299 pieces of documentary heritage have been listed on the register / The war memorials that have been listed on the Register 4uzhoj); record into the register (a number plate change has been recorded into the database register. 4uzhoj)
 Russian thesaurus
внести в реестр
gen. см. тж. включить в реестр (4uzhoj)
внести в реестр
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects